Battery page designed to primarily be used on the ground before or after the flight, although it is easy to touch press any other screens to get here.
This screen displays voltage of each and all the series cells of the battery with 0.01v precision. Again, to reflect the philosophy that pilot should not spend much of his attention on the gadgets but rather on flying, this screen duplicates the numerical value of each cell voltage to the graphical presentation in the form of a slider.
The slider shows graphically the range from the minimum cell limit 3.2v up to a fully charged battery 4.2v
All the cells sliders are aligned precisely vertically allowing pilot to see from a glance whether all the cells show the same value and if any cell shows a substantial deviation from the rest, the extent of deviation is also clearly visible as a pointer of a misaligned slider. Such graphical convenience makes reading actual value less important, yet makes a very detail evaluation of the battery status in flight.

As can be seen from the above picture, the numerical value field also shows alarm by showing red color of the background. In this case value is out of range due to the lost connection to the cells.
Much of these data is also duplicated on the Gauges screen in somewhat compact way.